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Impact of Free Radicals on Human Body

Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage cells and contribute to aging and disease. The body is under constant attack from oxidative stress. Oxygen in the body splits into single atoms with unpaired electrons. Electrons like to be in pairs, so these atoms, called free radicals, scavenge the body to seek out other electrons so they can become a pair. This causes damage to cells, proteins and DNA. Severe diseases like strokes, cancers and similar ones may seem different from one another. Also it's quite difficult to believe that there could be one single cause behind it all. Yet, some experts and an emerging body of research suggest that these diseases do share one common reason for their presence in human bodies. The key chain behind these diseases, possibly behind aging itself, embraces a common reason which is non-other than free radicals, a class of molecules.

The molecules of oxygen that have lost electrons are known as Free radicals. These molecules are highly reactive and unstable. They want their neighboring molecules to be electrons. Hence, in this process these electrons free molecules work as terrorists in our own body. They are harmful for enzymes and proteins, which can lead to disrupt normal cell activities. In other words, the destructiveness of free radicals is beyond one’s imagination.

Causes for free radicals-

Free radicals are mainly produced from essential metabolic processes or chemical reactions occurring in human body. It may be the effect of intense exposure to X-rays, cigarette smoking, ozone, industrial chemicals, air pollutants and other external substances. Stress is another very common reason behind free radicals. Because of enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions, free radicals are produced constantly in our bodies. They can also be produced with the reactions of oxygen with organic compounds. Production of free radicals in our body can bring on some adverse changes as we start aging. The normal changes that we see with age are not so uncommon to us. But these changes can give off certain diseases at a certain stage or age of our lives. Also, as you age it becomes tough for you to fight the effects of the free radicals. The result of this entire process can be also defined as normal aging process.

Organic India understands the importance of not simply ignoring the wicked effects of free radicals on your body and brings to you a variety of products that not only helps you tackle the free radicals, but also helps you live a better and carefree life. These products are organic, pure and they do not cause any risk. Stevia from Organic India is an excellent substitute for sugar that diabetics can consume and stay carefree like never before. They can also go for organic quinoa and organic healthy breakfast pack. Variety of organic spices like saunf and jeera can be used while cooking. Organic mustard oil from Organic India is especially made to help you keep a check on your cholesterol levels. We have solution for all your needs! Whatever be your need, you are sure to find it at Organic India.

Organic food products from Organic India are rich in antioxidants. Consuming organic food along with other lifestyle changes will surely keep you in a better health condition.

Get in touch with us on our website or email us to know more about Organic India! We are here to help you take a step towards healthy conscious living.

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